A warm welcome to our newest member – Maizie

Today I welcomed a new girl into my pack – Maizie the Labradoodle. She was going to start with me at the same time as Max, but as he took a little time to settle into the pack I concentrated on Max first.

As Max is now the perfect pack member, it was time for Maizie to join us – and she was perfect! A little hesitant with the van (but not too bad), very friendly with the other dogs, and completely nuts once I had taken her lead off. Check out the youtube footage of her today to see her in action – hilarious!
The first time I called on her, Maizie instantly shot straight back to me – another Carlsberg dog! How lucky am I?

Prices start from £15. Contact us to find out more.


Jacqui has been waking our dog Bailey for 4 years and I cannot recommend her highly enough – she is excellent in every respect. Bailey absolutely loves Jacqui and always comes home thoroughly exhausted having clearly had a great time. If you’re looking for a reliable and professional dog walking service who will care for your dog as though they’re their own then you can’t do better than Wild Side Walks.


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