A warm welcome to our newest member – Ted!

A very warm welcome to our newest Wild Side Walks member – Ted the Golden Lab. He jumped straight into the van, travelled really well, was off lead the entire walk (coming back instantly I called him), got on really well with all the rest of the pack, instantly making friends with them all. He comes from a loving and caring home, so yet another Carlsberg dog to add to my pack! Welcome Ted, I know that you are going to LOVE our walks together!

I can’t wait to walk him with my other Golden Lab Jude – he is SOO like him. From the way that he

interacts with the other dogs, to his other mannerisms with me (very friendly!) and the way
that he walks and loves to swim, I think the first time they walk together, Jude will be like “DAD!” 🙂

Prices start from £15. Contact us to find out more.


Wild Side Walks is simply the best dog walking business there is. Jacqui is outstanding in every way and both our dogs are in extremely good hands. They are safe, well cared for and have a great time every time they’ve been out with Jacqui. Our dogs have been with Jacqui for years. In all this time, they’ve been reliably walked in beautiful places. There’s never been a day when we’ve been let down. I would not entrust our dogs to anyone else.

Shireen Davies

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