Sorry that I haven’t properly posted my blog this week – I have just been so busy. Lots of enquiries to deal with……it’s a good complaint.
Lots of amazing walks this week with all my usual suspects. I have to comment though that the biggest change I have ever seen in a dog since starting my business has to be Zola. She was unsure, a little fearful, didn’t trust me, would bark when I went to collect her and would run away from me given the chance.
In less than a month when I open her door I am greeted with a dog standing wagging her tail, she jumps straight in the van and is off lead for the entire walk. She interacts with the whole pack (though I have to say that she LOVES my dogs Holly & Ivy), and frequently runs back to me just for a pat and a “you are such a clever girl, Zola”.
Definite favourite pack member now!